Vindhya Singh
Ph.D Student
Heisenbergstr. 3
70569 Stuttgart
I am an IMPRS-IS PhD scholar, jointly supervised by Dr. Ksenia Keplinger, leader of the Organizational Leadership & Diversity research group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, and Dr. Michael Sedlmair, leader of the Visualization and Virtual/Augmented Reality research group at the University of Stuttgart. I hold an M.Sc. in Informatics from the Technical University of Munich (2020), where I specialized in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Natural Language Processing.
My interests include exploratory data analysis in multi-modal settings, to develop adaptable tools and frameworks that can be applied across domains to improve organizational practices and promote inclusive cultures. As a PhD scholar, I aim to contribute to interdisciplinary research that transcends traditional boundaries and integrates insights from diverse domains. My research lies at the intersection of Organizational Behavior and Data Science, focusing on visual data analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and workplace diversity and inclusion. I am passionate about uncovering and addressing critical challenges contemporary organizations face, leveraging advanced computational methods to foster healthier and more inclusive work environments.
Through my work, I aim to harness the power of visual data analytics and NLP to identify hidden patterns in organizational data and make analysis more accessible to diverse audiences. My research strives to bridge the gap between technical expertise and organizational needs, delivering innovative solutions that promote equity and collaboration in the workplace.
Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Organisational Leadership and Behaviour